Audition Information
All directors will be present on audition day. Please make sure that you do not put pressure on your child because we want this to be a stress-free and amazing experience for our performers from the beginning. Please help teach them the tools necessary to combat nerves while auditioning, as they are guaranteed a part in the musical! And all parts are important! Not all children will get a lead role, and not every child who gets a lead role this time will get a lead role next time. It’s important for kids to learn how to perform as a member of the ensemble as well.
Parents will be asked to stay for the first hour of the first rehearsal for a mandatory parent meeting where we will go over the ins and outs of your child’s time at Asheville Junior Theater, including the audition process. A questionnaire and release forms will be emailed the week before and must be turned in with your full registration fee in order to audition. If you do not have these forms completed or have not paid the full registration fee, your child may NOT audition.
How to Prepare
1. Please have your child come to audition day prepared to sing a one-minute song. They can either bring a track on their cell phone, email us the track ahead of time, or know where to look it up on a Director’s phone.
2. Please have your child prepare to move for the choreographer, potentially learning a short dance number that they will perform in groups.
3. If your child gets a “callback” for a particular role, then we will email sides (dialogue) and songs for them to learn. Memorizing is not necessary, but make sure that they are familar with the material before attending callbacks. Callbacks will be not be on a rehearsal day, but will instead be a separately scheduled day.
*More information will be sent via email about audition day. *If your child is unable to do any the above, do not worry. Our directors will be able to cast them after asking them questions and having them sing “Happy Birthday.”
Pricing and Schedule
$25 Application Fee per Family

Main Company $450
- three+ months of rehearsal time with two rehearsals per week and day-long rehearsals closer to performance time
- performance video, professional photos of dress rehearsal, a script to keep, access to performance tracks and more.
This price works out to less than $3 per hour!!! *Costumes will be provided for use in this musical but are the property of AJT.

Mini Company $195
- one hour practice per week before the Main Company’s rehearsal
This group will focus on introducing kids to movement, choreography and singing with theater games and repetition. The Mini Company helps kids develop confidence and provides the foundation necessary to step on the big stage once they get older.

Rehearsals for Main Company will run from March 3 through June 14 in South Asheville:
- Sundays 1-6pm
- Fridays 4:00-7:00 pm
- Mini Company Sundays 12-1 pm