Asheville Junior Theater - School of Music

A comprehensive music education program for children ages 8 and older, Asheville Junior Theater School of Music is designed to instill confidence and responsibility through musical achievement. Our choir takes a holistic approach to choral music that relates musicianship and performance to the broader human experience. 

One of our main goals here at AJT, a musical theater program, is for choir and music instruction to help your child become a better performer on stage. Yet, being involved in the theater is not a requirement to join our music program. 

Culture is Everything

Our culture is of the utmost importance to us at AJT School of Music. We are dedicated to teaching our students the values that transcend the classroom setting, lessons they can apply into their everyday lives. One of these lessons is kindness:  We believe that all of our singers and musicians need to support one another as they try new skills on for size in a vulnerable experience. Another is dedication:  We believe that children can achieve excellence if they are given responsibility and taught to work hard. Not all children at AJT School of Music get a “trophy,” but those that do will be elated and proud of their achievements.

A Supportive Space

We are dedicated to creating a meaningful musical experience. Choir members often find solace and acceptance within the choir’s embrace. Singing together in harmony helps develop deep friendships and teaches kids about what it means to truly be supportive. Choir singing, beyond the notes and melodies, creates a space where connection flourishes, reminding us that we are not alone in our journey.

Our Instructors

Our instructors at AJT School of Music take pride in making kids into great musicians, while instilling confidence and integrity in them at the same time. Every staff member treats each student as an individual singer, and supports their growth by instructing them in a fun and nurturing environment. 

Melena Dillingham

Melena Dillingham

Voice and Piano

Melena began playing piano at the age of 8. She served as an accompanist for her school’s choirs in middle school and began studying voice at age 13. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre and Piano Performance from Mars Hill University, and her Master Degree from The Ohio State University in Community and Educational Leadership. She has spent the last 20 years as a lessons instructor and professional musician. Some of her favorite musical theater highlights include playing The Witch in Into The Woods, Ruth in The Pirates of Penzance, and Michaela in Carmen. However, after having the pleasure of being hired as the Musical Director for a high school production of Pippin, she discovered her true passion is helping the next generation of young artists come into their own and discover the magical world of musical theater.

Melena Dillingham

Melena Dillingham

Voice and Piano

Melena began playing piano at the age of 8. She served as an accompanist for her school’s choirs in middle school and began studying voice at age 13. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre and Piano Performance from Mars Hill University, and her Master Degree from The Ohio State University in Community and Educational Leadership. She has spent the last 20 years as a lessons instructor and professional musician. Some of her favorite musical theater highlights include playing The Witch in Into The Woods, Ruth in The Pirates of Penzance, and Michaela in Carmen. However, after having the pleasure of being hired as the Musical Director for a high school production of Pippin, she discovered her true passion is helping the next generation of young artists come into their own and discover the magical world of musical theater.

Help Give the Gift of Theater

We’re honored to have donors who support our mission! Because of the generous support of people in our community, we’re able to offer financial aid to families in critical need.

There are two ways to give: a one-time donation or a monthly recurring gift.